Strong cybersecurity measures are a must for any small business in 2024.
The cost of cybercrime is probably going to hit $10.5 trillion by next year. Threats lurk around every corner, so combatting them is something you need to concern yourself with 24/7. If you don’t have a cyber security strategy now, it’s time to put one in place before it’s too late.
Today, we’ll go over 5 of the most important cyber security principles every small business needs to know. If you value your business data, keep reading and understand the role that strong cybersecurity architecture plays in keeping it safe.
1. Testing
The first step in building the right type of cybersecurity architecture is to test how well your current system works. Penetration testing from an IT professional will see them acting as a hacker to find where the breaches in your cybersecurity are.
Cyber criminals are always trying to get one step ahead of a business’ cybersecurity efforts. Testing will identify your weaknesses so you can act quickly to rectify them.
2. 24/7 Monitoring
Another thing you need to know about cybercriminals is that they don’t take breaks. Threats can come from anywhere in the world at any time. If you’re not monitoring for these threats 24/7, they’ll take advantage of your guard being down.
Monitoring for cyber threats allows you to identify them as soon as they crop up. Doing this mitigates risk even when you do have a security breach.
3. Train Employees
Over 80% of incidents are found to be the result of human error. You can set up an impenetrable cybersecurity strategy, but if your employees don’t know how to act, none of it will matter.
Having well-trained employees will prevent a lot of major data breaches, but it’s also up to you to manage everyone’s access. User privileges shouldn’t be universal, each one should be unique to their position in your organization.
4. Economy of Mechanism
When designing cybersecurity architecture, you have to think about “economy of mechanism“. This is the concept that an overly complex cybersecurity system is too difficult to implement and prone to error.
Instead, your cybersecurity mechanism should be simple in design and efficient to operate. To do this, you need to understand what your biggest threats are and how to stop them. Create a cybersecurity framework that makes sense for your needs rather than one that reaches too far.
5. Have a Failsafe
You always need a backup plan. If your cybersecurity system fails, you need a failsafe that safeguards your system and data. Your failsafe should also shut down the elements of your system that cybercriminals are likely to target.
Taking Cyber Security Principles Seriously
Security breaches seem like a distant threat until they happen to you. Implement all of these cyber security principles and build a fortress that can protect your business networks and data against the potential of a breach. The sooner you do so, the safer your business will be.
To know more about keep reading Pinay Flix.