The modern world makes us perfectionistic and ambitious, and we often take workaholism as a common-by product of success. However, to put it in more scientific terms, a compulsive urge to work can be considered similar to alcohol or even drug addiction and is not the same as enjoying your work. And that’s why if you are a workaholic, you could follow some rules listed in our article to balance your life and develop a healthier relationship with your work. But first, let’s look at the roots and common signs of this behavioral pattern.
A constant urge to work can be caused by many reasons, for example, perfectionism, loneliness, negative feelings, and the desire to prove to other people you are worthy of something. People with such behavior are usually very critical of themselves, can have constant thoughts and worries about work, become depressed without work, often bring work home, and aren’t truly able to enjoy their free time or vacation. It is also hard for workaholics to switch after work to something else. For workaholics, nothing is more important than their work. Psychologists and doctors consider this state dangerous because overwork can greatly harm health. And the lack of time for socializing and other activities necessary for a normal psychological state can lead to depression. If you feel like it may relate to you, then it’s time for a big change. And don’t worry, overcoming workaholism doesn’t mean you won’t love your work or become lazy or disorganized!
6 Tips On How To Overcome Being A Workaholic:
1. Realize that work is not the most important thing in life. And if you think otherwise, you probably don’t know that there is something more interesting in the world. To realize this, find something interesting to do, or better yet, have a novel. Hobbies can become a real outlet for you, and the other half will not only distract from work but also surround affection, attention, and care, which workaholics just need.
2. Find out what might be the reasons for your workaholism. Talk to your parents, probably they will remember some incident from childhood, which caused a desire for constant labor. For example, this desire may have appeared after receiving a bad grade and censure from your parents. Or you have some negative feelings and try to cope with them being a workaholic.
3. If the work takes too much time, then change it. Realize that sitting at your workplace 24 hours a day is not normal. Even if you are well paid for overtime hours, realize that all the money is still not earned, and happiness is not in the money.
4. Learn to delegate and outsource tasks. Don’t be shy about asking for help. Don’t try to put everything on your shoulders. Taking time off is not a weakness, and there is nothing wrong with it.
5. Practice self-care. Make steps towards being mentally and physically healthy. Visit a doctor, eat healthy food, drink enough water, and find ways to relieve stress.
6. Learn to rest and make rest a priority. Proper and adequate rest is the key to good health and good mood. Workaholics believe that the best rest is a change of activity. But in fact, you just need to be able to relax and distract yourself from all the activities. So if you have a day off, don’t plan anything for it.
To overcome workaholism on your own may be quite hard, so never be afraid to seek help from a trained therapist or your family and friends. Remember that there are more pleasant and interesting things to do in life besides work, and that’s why the best thing you can do for yourself is to have a healthy work-life balance. Take small steps towards it and you will see great changes in your life. And enjoy your work even more than ever!
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