Yoga is a science in itself. It takes years for people to master the art of yoga. The concept of yoga is to bring in peace, harmony, and coordination between the body and the mind. Yoga can be termed as a transformative practice, which helps in the development of physical agility as well as mental strength. As people become more and more experienced with yogic science, and as they advance on this journey, they often encounter various props designed to support and enhance their practice. One among those several tools is the yoga block. Through this article, let us explore and have a look at the importance of keeping in use a yoga block, and in particular, the cork yoga block from Rest and Digest in your daily yoga practice regime.
What exactly is a yoga block?
Yoga blocks, as the name suggests, are firm, and more often than not, rectangular blocks, that come in various shapes and sizes, and of different materials as well. One of the major requirements and usage of a yoga block is to provide additional support to someone who is practicing yoga for different poses. It not only provides additional support, but also provides a sense of stability, agility, and assistance in alignment for performing several yoga poses. Among all these yoga blocks, the rest and digest cork yoga block emerges out as a better option owing to its several benefits over other yoga blocks.
How do yoga blocks help a yoga practitioner?
As we mentioned earlier, a yoga block helps in providing support and in improving alignment. Let us discuss these in more detail.
Alignment Assistance: One of the major benefits of using a yoga block is its ability to provide assistance in alignment for different yoga postures. It goes without saying that having a proper posture while performing a yoga pose is very important in order to gain maximum benefit out of it. If you are a newbie who wants to get the posture right, or a seasoned professional who is aiming to achieve precision, perfection as well as excellence for a particular pose, a yoga block can be the best support you might be looking for, and on top of that, the rest and digest cork yoga block might be the best option for you. By properly placing the yoga block, either under hands, feet or the hips, can provide you extra support without making any compromise on the perfectness of the pose.
Greater Flexibility, Greater Agility: Flexibility is a strength that a person achieves after practicing yoga for quite a long time. It is a gradual process. As the body becomes used to your yoga poses, it extends its limits in order to suit your needs. However, to achieve flexibility, one must perform yoga poses with accurate alignment and support. The rest and digest cork yoga block can help you on this journey of having a body with more flexibility as well as more agility. By using this block, and getting support from it, yoga practitioners can improve their range of motion. One thing to note is that, as we become more and more advanced yoga practitioners, we start to achieve a limit in terms of physical flexibility, so we can note that the need for yoga blocks to attain flexibility may decrease over time. Thus yoga blocks can be used by both amateurs as well as experienced people.
Inversion Support: Inversions are defined as those yoga postures in which a person is inverted, quite literally. Headstands and shoulder stands are some of the postures which can be termed as inversions. These inversion postures can be considered advanced yoga postures, and have enormous benefits, like improved blood circulation throughout the body, as well as greater mental clarity, and on top of that, greater physical stability and balance over the body. Naturally, considering the complexity of this posture, it becomes more than enough to use a yoga block to master this posture. The rest and digest cork yoga block can be used in this scenario as well. By properly placing the block either under the head or under the shoulders, depending on the posture you want to perform, you can provide the body the support it needs to adjust to the new pose during the initial times, in order to avoid the beginner friction.
Yoga is a science. It has tremendous benefits for the body. Just like in a chemical reaction, we have a catalyst, similarly, a yoga block, especially the rest and digest cork yoga block can act as a catalyst to you mastering a particular yoga posture. No matter if you are just starting out, and need support for trying out new poses, an intermediate who is looking to skill up even further, or an expert who is now aiming at gaining perfection and improve their finesse over this skill, a yoga block can definitely come in handy for any category. This tool can surely benefit every category of yoga practitioners. Apart from this, yoga blocks like the rest and digest cork yoga blocks are sustainable tools as well, which further adds to one of the fundamental yogic principles, and to establish a proper connection between the mind, the body, and the soul. You already made a transformative decision when you decided to incorporate the practice of yoga into your daily life, now it is time to take this a level further and to incorporate a yoga block into your practice as well.